1- The trail must be declared “OPEN” for ATV use here or on Facebook at " Eisenbahn State Trail-.ATV " Like / Follow that page and you will get notices to the opening and closings. You can also call 262-277-1503.
2- The predicted high must be less than 29º for the entire day.
Even if the hotline says it is open, if it is 29 or higher, stay off.
3- Must not be in the midst or aftermath of a snowstorm. (Not in FDL)
4- 25MPH throughout entire trail, 10MPH through towns.
1- The BP gas station on the southern edge of Kewaskum
on Hwy 45.
2- Eden community park in the village of Eden.
1- All town ordinances apply. The Village of Kewaskum excludes ATV use from 2 am – 6 am.
2- All county parks rules apply except for hours of operation.
3- ATV’s are limited and must stay on the straight 16 ft wide groomed trail. They must not trespass on any snowmobile trail, farm access road or road crossing leaving the trail. Few dual use exceptions however; In Kewaskum, the access to the Curve Inn. In the Village of Eden, the trails to downtown and the community park. In Waucousta, the trail from Meadow Rd to Hwy SSS are shared by snowmobiles and atv's.